Monday, July 27, 2009


Influenza or most commonly know as "the flu" or "grippe" is cause by a virus that infects the upper respiratory tract. There are two types of influenza, type A and B, Flu infect the throat, nose, lungs bronchial tubes, and middle ear. There are vaccines for the flu but since there are so many viruses that can cause flu (about 200) however they are constantly mutating, making it very difficult to achieve success against these types of flu viruses.
The symptoms for flu are similar to those of a common cold, such as body aches, cough, hot and cold sweat, fatigue, headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting, throat pain, lack of appetite. Colds last for a week, but the flu can last for up to 12 days, and after all symptoms have disappeared a persistent cough remains for another week.
Influenza is one of the thousands of diseases that modern medicine has yet to find a cure for but herbs and natural remedies can relieve the symptoms.
TIP: Did you know that the Flu shot or vaccine is made from chicken embryos? If you are allergic to eggs, avoid Flu shots the allergic reaction is worse then the flu symptoms, besides, the effectiveness of the vaccine is not very good ether.
Do not buy any over the counter drugs to deal with this virus, most of the medications in the market today only suppress the symptoms and block the self defense mechanism of the body making it more difficult to recover.
TIP: Do not use Aspirin, this can irritate the mucus membranes.
Home remedies for Flu we recommend
Home remedies for Flu #1: Take Vitamin C to boost immune system and increase the number of white blood cells

Home remedies for Flu #2: Take Zinc lozenges, it boosts the immune system as soon the symptoms develop.
Home remedies for Flu #3: Colloidal silver kills viruses.
Home remedies for Flu #4: Take Garlic capsules to decrease de growth of the virus.
Home remedies for Flu #5: Make a tea mixing:
1 tsp. bayberry bark.
1 tsp. grated ginger root.
½ tsp. cayenne powder.
1 cup of boiling water.
Let it sit for 20 minutes.
Home remedies for Flu #6: Take "cold and flu" tablets this homeopathic preparation has help people avoid getting infected with the flu virus by taking 1 tablet a day throughout the flu season.
Home care for Flu #7: Take arsenicum album if thirsty but feel better drinking warm fluids, lack of appetite, body aches, and feel worse during the night.
Home remedies for Flu #8: Take bryonia if cough, throat and chest pain, dry mouth and lips, very thirsty.
Home remedies for Flu #9: Take eupatorium perfoliatum if you have pain in your bones and eyeballs.
Home remedies for Flu #10: Take Gelsemium if feeling chills, aches, fever, not thirsty.
Home remedies for Flu #11: Nux vomica is used when a simple cold has develop into influenza.
Home remedies for Flu #12: If the fever is too high, take catnip tea and ½ tsp. of lobelia tincture every 4 hours. Do not use if pregnant or breast-feeding and do not give to a child less than one year old.
Home remedies for Flu #13: Cat's claw shortens the duration of the flu.

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