The human ear is composed of the inner ear, middle ear, and the outer ear. Ear infection can attack any of these parts and one part can usually infect the others. External otitis affects the outer ear some times it comes after cold or flu or some other kind of upper respiratory infection. The area from the eardrum to the outer part, becomes inflamed and is very painful, sometimes a fever may be developed. Otitis media affects the area inside the eardrum and all the small bones, the air pressure is regulated in this area by the auditory tube running from the ear to the back of the nasal cavity, when bacteria or a virus gets in this area, the different parts become inflamed with fluid, causing pressure and extremely sharp pain in the ear with fever. If the infection is not controlled it can result in eardrum perforation letting all pressure out and relieving pain, but a perforated eardrum means loss of hearing and fluid discharge. This kind of ear infection is very common in infants due to the position of the baby while feeding allowing milk bacteria to grow in the auditory tube.
Home remedies for ear infection we recommend
Home remedies for ear infection #1: Use Colloidal silver, as an ear wash, it can be taken orally too. This is a natural antibiotic.
Home remedies for ear infection #2:Take Vitamin C to help boost the immune system and fight infection.
Home remedies for ear infection #3:Zinc is also helpful in reducing ear infection.
Home remedies for ear infection #4:If the infection has just begun take echinacea (alcohol free).
Home remedies for ear infection #5:Mix lobelia and garlic oil or olive oil, place a few drops in the ear and plug it with cotton this will help with pain.
Home remedies for ear infection #6:If the ear is red, hot and painful specially after exposure to cold temperature, use Aconite, this homeopathic remedy is excellent for ear infection.
Home remedies for ear infection #7:If the cheek of the same side of the ear affected is red and the person is unable to tolerate the pain then take chamomilla.
Home remedies for ear infection #8:If the area is overwhelmed with a pulsating pain and sensitive to touch take hepar sulph.
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