Monday, July 27, 2009

Hepatitis, Causes and Treatment

Hepatitis symptoms, causes, and treatment : I took a Vitamin B12 three days ago. is my urine suppose to be a dark red color? Its almost look like blood. Please suggest Home remedy.
This is a problem that usually occurs in people taking vitamin supplements. A common complaint is the altered color of the urine to a more fluorescent yellow. Dark urine is usually never reported in cases of taking vitamin B supplements subcutaneously or orally. There is a possibility that you might be severely dehydrated or there is a liver problem that you are facing that could be the tell tale symptoms of jaundice and hepatitis.
Hepatitis Symptoms and Causes:
Hepatitis is a disease that indicates the inflammation of the liver. Its manifestations are usually by the subsequent yellowing of the eyes, skin and mucus membranes. Hepatitis is caused by a number of reasons including the use of certain kinds of medication, alcoholism, viral infections, metabolic disorders and even autoimmune disorders. The first sign in fact of hepatitis is the sudden change of the color of the urine to a very dark coloration as if one was dehydrated for a very long time. This coloration is because of the presence of an excess amount of conjugated bilirubin in the intestinal tract. This bilirubin is then sent to the blood stream and then the kidneys for excretion. If the darkened urine is accompanied by yellow eyes, then lie down, and with your left hand, try and gently feel under the right ribs by making a circular motion and pressing gently under the ribs. If there is a great deal of sharp pain, then you need to visit your doctor. The most likely cause will be hepatitis. If the jaundice is caused by a hepatitis virus then the chances are that you will be bedridden for the next two to six weeks in an almost immobile state for the first two weeks. Another reason for excess bilirubin in the blood is that with hepatitis, the walls of the liver become weak and bilirubin which should normally be excreted through the gut is diffused into the blood stream.
Hepatitis Cure Treatment:
The treatment of hepatitis depends on the extent of liver inflammation. At times vitamin K injections are administered to reduce the inflammation of the liver. Apart from this, medicines that are protein rich are administered and a low fat, low oil, bland diet is prescribed to avoid any unnecessary pressure on the liver. Rest is the most important part of the regime as during this time, the liver is actually regenerating itself and you will be totally sapped of strength and any exertion could send you into an unconscious state and damage the liver further.

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